The first performance
Have you ever experienced the moment when everyone was watching you? Personally, I have. I took part in lots of different performances with my mates last year so I have something to tell you.
I had attended folk dances classes for 3 years. You know, the great part of my classmates attended those classes as well and it was really cool. Actually, for the first time I was sure that it was the worst idea to spend extra time with my classmates outside the school because most of them pissed me off even at school but it wasn’t bad. Like they changed their behavior somehow and I enjoyed being with them. It wasn’t irritating. We became a real team and family thanks to the classes. What you need to know more, there were NOT any facilities in Linda (the place where I live) to do dancing. At all. That’s why for the first time we had rehearsals in the small room (that was just unable to contain 50 children). Then we manage it but it was a tough period. Let’s come back to the main idea of the post.
To my mind, standing on stage and performing what you’ve learned is easier to say than to do. Anyway, I’ll forever cherish the memories that I gained in my first performance.
The hardest thing about the whole preparation for the performance was constant rehearsals that lasted for 4–5 hours ! (just keep in mind, that I went on my dance class after the school day). It was just E-X-H-A-U-S-T-I-N-G. Sometimes I even cried at night because I couldn’t move and had a terrible headache (sweet times, I won’t regret). Anyway, it was worthy.
Not only was the performance exciting but also it made me be out of any emotions. To start with, I should confess that before the show (just in an hour) the nerve stain was too high — kind of a nervous chill. All parts of my body were trembling (knees, legs and so on). I couldn’t say a word; I was out of breath without any reason. By the way, I had a solo part ! The last few minutes before the performance had set my nerves on edge. I was anxious. I thought my nerves pricked and tingled. Then I took a step and… Nothing. Dimly I remember what happened then but the atmosphere of fear disappeared. I was just overjoyed.
Unfortunately, not anymore.
All best,