The First Month College Anniversary
A month.
I can’t believe that I’ve been a LUNN’s sTudent for a montH. A moNth of early waKeupS. A month of getting acquainted with new people. A Month of Struggling with English phonetics. A month of no douBt that I’m in the right place. A month of working with professionals. A month of self-development. A month of happiness.
And, of course, a month of having fun day by day.
Looking back at this month I can’t remember a day when I didn’t laugh or even giggle. Have I never do it so much in my life! The point is I can’t recall reasons that made me burst into laughter. I know it’s my terrible feature!
At least I remember the last moment when I laughed hard! Hurrah, I’m not so hopeless (: So it was not a long time ago (maybe on Wednesday). At that day Ms. B came to class and shared with us her experience of watching a video about the American army (maybe about the United States Marines).
The most remarkable part of that video was:
It’s a common act of grabbing attention in the American army (also it always depicts in movies). So when we in the class got talkative Ms.B suggested our trying to do the same as in American army. And it was hilarious! Honestly!
Just imagine. A woman who is standing in front of 14 people and almost screaming:
And these 14 people reply in one voice:
I’m laughing even now! Also I have one picture that immediately came in my mind at that moment. It’s funny even though it’s more about different accents.
I know sometimes I can burst into laugher because of super-silly things that no one will ever even smile at… Or don’t even grin at something all people find hilarious. There is nothing in between.
I’m eager to continue studying at the University !
All the best,
P.S. (notice letters in bold) FOR EVERYTHING !