
Elena Levina
1 min readFeb 11, 2019


I’ve watched three videos related to different sports, and I’m glad to share with you what I’ve learned.

Firstly, I’ve watched a video about netball. Netball is a female-oriented game similar to basketball. There are two teams of seven players. Each player position has a specific name. Here they are: the goalkeeper, the goal defense, the wing defense, the center, the wing attack, the goal attack, and the goal shooter. It’s easy to recognize which position someone is playing from the bill on their kit (the two letters correspond to the initials of the position). A netball court is divided into three parts, and the players cannot freely move. Besides, in netball a player should not dribble instead should pass the ball to next player immediately. But in everything else the game is pretty similar to basketball.

Personally, I’d like to play a netball game, but I’m too afraid of an image of a ball which is flying to my face, so I’d rather watch it…on TV (:

Secondly and thirdly, I’ve watched videos about Women’s and Men’s gymnastics, as I find this kind of sports very mesmerizing. I want to bow before gymnasts’s bravely and persistence. They have the courage to perform such dangerous events as floor exercise, balance beam (f), still rings (m) and ect. But mostly I’m impressed by their performing the vault. Watching it make my heart stop for a while and more often than not I close my eyes, because I don’t want to see the consequences if something goes wrong.

That’s all for now.




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