Hello! I’ve created my own personal coat of arms. How do you like it? It’s based on my first year of college.
Let’s start with the motto “Be nice”. Frankly, I don’t want to talk a lot about it because the message of the words is clear. I really want all people to be nice and kind to each other to make our world a better place.
The American flag. It’s pretty easy to guess why it is there. Hey — I spent a year studying not only American English but also the history and culture of the States. That was SOOO engaging and I want to continue immersing in the language and the culture.
The Unicorn. For me, it’s a symbol of my creativity. I cannot say that over this year I have become the most creative person in the world but I’m sure that I have developed my creativity (I hope so at least). We have had A LOT OF assignments which helped us to become more inventive. That was just great!
The Hands. The hands represent that I found a lot of new gregarious, supportive, nice people during my Freshmen year. Yeah, I’m talking about my lovely classmates! I’m so thankful that I got to know them!
The Castle. The Castle symbolizes my hard work. On the level, it’s been one of the toughest years of my life. BUT! at the same time it’s been the greatest year. And I’m sure we all need to suffer a little to create new and fabulous things!
That’s all for now.