Luckily I’m Not A Director
Today I had an opportunity to be a director of a scene from “Midsummer’s Night Dream” by Shakespeare. It was really engaging, honestly. Anyway, I think I’ve created something really, really bad, ahaha. You are welcome to watch it if you want via the link:
And now I want to say a few words about the process.
The first part was the casting and I was supposed to choose Titania. Actually, it wasn’t very difficult because I had no doubts about the heroine. I noticed that woman from the start. Moreover, I noticed that the guy was pretty handsome (but it’s not important).
Then I should have chosen the world of the scene and IT WAS CHALLENGING as I liked neither of them. I spent almost twenty minutes thinking about what would be better. Eventually, I closed my eyes and just randomly chose one.
I dealt with the costume design rather fast, so the last my duty was to choose the music. I wanted to make it unexpected and catchy, so I chose the 1960s music (frankly, I just enjoyed the beat).
Step by step I’ve come to the end. And I totally don’t like what’ve done. It looks so awkward. However, what’s done is done (I liked this phrase, Sasha Savina).