Is This Semester Shaping Up To Be Successful?
I haven’t written about my life for a while, so I guess it’s high time to do it!
Frankly, there are no big changes in my usual routine. I’ve just started reading a FANTASTIC Russian book and walking (and sometimes even jogging) as much as possible. Thankfully, the weather has been just marvelous almost every day over the last two weeks. And it’s such a pleasure to put away my hooded maxi puffy coat in plum color and pull out my lovely camel overcoat with the leather sleeves. By the way, I have so much fun during out English classes when we talk about appearance and clothes (: It’s rather engaging to describe what people wear and how they look (so today I even tried to do it in the subway on my way to home).
As for the book, just a few days ago (on Monday, to be precise) I started reading “The Brothers Karamazov” (or “The Karamazov Brothers, I didn’t manage to find the correct translation) by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Although I’ve read only about fifty pages because, unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of spare time to devote it to reading (as I’m also reading three books for my literature seminars), I adore it — probably not because of the plot because it’s still vague for me, but because of the magnificentsplendidrich Russian language! I hadn’t known before I started reading the book that I had craved for the language. Now I do.
Moreover, I’m still managing to do a lot of assignments (not all of them) beforehand and that’s a HUGE victory for me. Doing something in advance offers me a great opportunity to do something else in advance!Hurray! and to get enough sleep. Unfortunately, the “in advance” strategy doesn’t work for reading but I hope I will get to the bottom of the knack.
And all the before-going made me think of my Wheel of a Successful Semester which I had made at the start of the term. At first, when I read the assignment I was like “What can I even write about as I have failed all the “segments” of my Wheel?” However now after spending some time mulling over the last two week and the 1/3 of the second semester, I’m convinced that I underestimated myself. Undoubtedly, I’m not batting one thousand right now but I’m doing fine in terms of five out of eight “sections” (and, yeah, I’ve totally failed three of them but I’ve still got time to leave no stone unturned to achieve my goals). Besides, as I’m a changeable sort of person I’ve set some new goals for me which seem to be more crucial and reachable. I’ll see what happens in a week because my new goals are not long-term as for me it’s better to live in a moment. Seize the day.
To conclude, I’d like to advise me to spend more time learning the vocabulary and don’t get confused and lost! during the tests because my recent test results were not quite good. I’m a little frustrated about it but still, I think that my mistakes only help me to understand what I should really do and work on.
So, is this semester shaping up to be successful? We will see as I don’t want to jump to conclusions.
By the way, take a look at my Dodecahedron!
Keep your eyes on the prize.