Let’s play the Highs and Lows game again. I’m sure that this game is one of the best games ever. The rules are still the same: all you need is to look back at the recent weeks and think of the brightest highlight and the lowest moment.
Fortunately, there was more than just one highlight. A lot of great things happened but my “Top 3” is:
1. The presentation that I prepared for my Midterm week.
The presentation was connected with my family and I was supposed to find out how the history of Russia influenced my family. I learned a lot about my relatives and ancestors while I was preparing for it. I’m really proud of my family and I love the members of my family so much. And I see how my attitude towards the word “family” has changed, because when I was younger I wasn’t so sentimental about it. I think it is the indicator of my getting older and wiser.
2. The lesson with my best friend Masha.
After thinking for a while, I understood that it was not the lesson itself but the time I spent with my best friend that was important. Masha and I have been friends since we were 2 (or even younger). There were a lot of moments when we were at odds because of the silliest things in the world. Anyway, now I’m SO thankful that I have such a friend on my side. She is the person I can tell everything and she will always understand me and find the most reassuring words.
When I got the assignment, it didn’t take me a long time to understand who I could call, who could help me. Masha agreed and we spent Monday (11/5) together at her place. We had a lot of fun while filming the video! And all my troubles seemed so far away. I wish I could repeat that day!
3. The dialog that we presented with Anita on Friday.
Oh, at first the dialog was a bone of contention between us because we had a little bit different views of how the dialog was supposed to be. Anyway, we tried to solve our disagreements and find a compromise. And we succeeded.
I enjoyed presenting the dialog! I think it was fine and I was really proud that we covered almost all the vocabulary we have studied. Ahaha.
Honestly, I’m not satisfied with myself because I made some mistakes that I could have avoided if I had been more attentive. Next time I will do more than my best. I hope so.
There were also several points that made me feel frustrated.
To begin with, the understanding of the huge number of mistakes that I’ve made is one of the worst feelings. It’s completely okay when I make a mistake in what I don’t know yet, but it really scares me when I see mistakes in what I’ve already learned. How it can even happen? What was in my head when I wrote “it’s all Greek FOR him”? What was in my head when I wrote “surfter”? Didn’t I really know that in the word “power” there was a triphthong? And I have a lot of questions like these. And I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING to say.
Lena, be attentive and more concentrated!
The next thing I want to tell you is connected with my school friends. We are no longer good friends because we haven’t talked to each other as we used to do it since the day of our prom. And I didn’t know what happened exactly but suddenly we got too different. When we see each other accidentally we have nothing to talk about. And it is so awful, because we were very close when we were classmates.
I know that it happens. Friends leave and life doesn’t stop for anybody but I miss them so much.
Anyway, I’m a happy person because now I’m studying in the best place in the world. And I should work hard to be a good student (:
P.S. I want to share with you the greatest corny joke: What did the zero say to the eight? Nice belt!
Kind regards,