I am taking advantage of the whole distant learning mode and savoring ‘East of Eden.’ Here are some words from the pages I have read. They are not numerous; however, I have encountered all of them (!!!) while listening to various podcasts and watching videos. The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon is a thing, for sure.
Inimical = being adverse often by reason of hostility or malevolence = враждебный, неприязненный
(and adverse means negative and unpleasant, just to be on the safe side)
“The emotion of nonviolence was building in him until it became a prejudice like any other thought-stultifying prejudice. To inflict any hurt on anything for any purpose became inimical to him.”
SYNONYMS unfavorable, hostile, adverse
ANTONYMS favorable, approving
To stultify = deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless = сводить на нет, делать бессмысленным, бесполезным, притуплять
“The emotion of nonviolence was building in him until it became a prejudice like any other thought-stultifying prejudice. To inflict any hurt on anything for any purpose became inimical to him.”
SYNONYMS debilitate, weaken, cripple
ANTONYMS rejuvenate, invigorate
Indefatigable = showing no signs of weariness even after long hard effort = неутомимый
“From childhood on he was a hard worker, if anyone would tell him what to work at, and once told he was indefatigable.”
SYNONYMS inexhaustible, tireless, unflagging, weariless
ANTONYMS exhausted, drained, tuckered out, wiped out (a huge shout-out to our freshman vocabulary)
Derisively = in an unkind way that shows you think somebody/something is silly = с иронией, издевательски, глумливо, смеха ради
“Louis said half derisively and half with admiration, “He’s always thinking about how to change things. He’s never satisfied with the way they are.””
SYNONYMS mockingly, sarcastically
ANTONYMS politely, flatteringly
Flighty = lacking in seriousness or maturity = взбалмошный, ветреный
“A man wanted his children to read, to figure, and that was enough. More might make them dissatisfied and flighty.”
SYNONYMS playful, flippant, frivolous
ANTONYMS mature, earnest, serious
To obliterate = to remove all signs of something, either by destroying or covering it completely = уничтожать, стирать, вычеркнуть
“External realities of a frustrating nature she obliterated by refusing to-believe in them, and when one resisted her disbelief she raged at it.”
SYNONYMS abolish, annihilate, decimate
ANTONYMS revive, conserve,
Vexation = the feeling of impatience or anger caused by another’s repeated disagreeable acts = досада, раздражение
“This was a fact she could not blast with her disbelief, and so she cried with vexation and went to neither dance.”
SYNONYMS frustration, grief, irritation
ANTONYMS delight, pleasure, joy
To joggle = to make a series of small irregular or violent movements = толкать, трясти
“Adam, you embarrass me. Adam, be careful. Don’t joggle me, it hurts.”
SYNONYMS convulse, jerk, jiggle
Incidentally, as I was reading in the Thursday evening after our talk on the hot-button topics, one inconceivable coincidence (a bit of hyperbole here to underscore how stunned I was) occurred.
In one of the chapters, Cathy (one of the leading characters so far) attempted a self-induced abortion (hey, it is one of the divisive issues). The doctor, who came to the rescue, fervidly berated and threatened her to charge the woman. Mrs. Trask (a.k.a. Cathy) had to keep the baby. She endured her pregnancy as a trial, and the birth was not a relief. ‘This is much more like a bitter, deadly combat than a birth.’
Frankly, my heart went out to Cathy at that moment. I felt crestfallen that the woman had no choice, she was forced into giving birth to an unwanted child (children, actually). The situation seemed horrendous to ME.
I wholeheartedly believe that abortion should be a choice, in the sense that women should have the legitimate right to decide whether resort to it or not. Moreover, they should never be denigrated for this decision. Pregnancy has an overwhelming effect on the woman engaged. It disrupts her well-being, turns her life upside-down. Due to the crucial impact, any woman should be able to resolve whether to continue or terminate her pregnancy. Not her partner. Not the state. Not the church.
On top of that, it is evident that abortion comes at a great price since it may turn out traumatic for some contrite women and empowering, life-changing for others. The woman is to live with her choice for the rest of her life. If she can accept that (her choice), then why shouldn’t she have it?
I am just stating my opinion.
Thank you.