Day 9

Elena Levina
2 min readFeb 7, 2019


Well, today I spent two hours reading “The girl on the train”. It turned out that I missed the story, and it didn’t seem tedious (and it’s ironically because we decided to change the book as it was too boring and depressing). Maybe I should try to finish the book before our break is over…

Here are some new words:

Serendipity — the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance

Meticulous — very careful and with great attention to every detail

Undermine — to make someone less confident, less powerful, or less likely to succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually

Evict — to force someone to leave somewhere

Besides, I watched a brand new episode of “Riverdale”. In case if you got interested, Riverdale is an American television series (for teenagers) based on the characters of Archie Comics. I haven’t read Archie Comics, so I don’t know how much the plot coincides the comics.

For me, Riverdale is all about murders, investigations, friendship, love and family relation (but murders and investigations prevail obviously).

I have a contradictory opinion about the series, to be honest. Sometimes I’m sure Riverdale is a big mess, sometimes I like it because of its knack to grab attention. Anyway, mostly I find it ridiculous and watch it because I’ve used to watched it every Thursday (if the series doesn’t have a break, of course). By the way, three or so days ago I learned that the series was prolonged to the fourth season. One more year to watch it (;

Unfortunately, I didn’t have new words from the episode, because I was too much into watching, as the episode was very tense and captivating, and everything was clear in terms of vocabulary.

And from watching HIMYM I learned an interesting word: redenbacher.

Redenbacher — a person who severely lacks individuality and life goals. Simply exists and involves themselves in meaningless acts, social groups, and conversation in order to occupy their simple minds. This is a far more complex version of the term basic. Also, there was a man named Orville Redenbacher. He was an American businessman, who started the brand of popcorn that bears his name.

That’s all for now.

Thank you.



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